Thursday, 7 September 2023

 St Julian's, 5th September 2023

Sheila and I ran the Robinson MV overnight. In the morning we recorded 38 species, including 144 Box-tree moths! 9 of them were melanic. Other interesting species were 3 Old Ladies, 8 Centre-barred Sallows, an L-album Wainscot, 5 Dusky Thorns and an Oak Hook-tip. This evening we saw around 30 Box-tree Moths flying around a box-tree approx 150m from Sheila's house. Several were settled on the bush and held there wings differently to those in the trap, folded back along the body with the forewings projecting in front of the hind wings.

I ask again - are other people catching lots of Box-tree Moths? I caught 3 at Redhouse Barns, Goldlcliff on the same night.

1 comment:

  1. Last night we caught 260 at St Julians to MV and I caught 6 at Redhouse.


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