2020 Macro-moth Distribution Maps (1km square basis)
(Under construction)
A-B: Alder Kitten to Buttoned Snout
C-D: Cabbage Moth to Dwarf Pug
E-F: Early Grey to Frosted Orange
G-H: Galium Carpet to Huming-bird Hawkmoth
I-J: Ingrailed Clay to Juniper Pug
K-L: Kentish Glory to Lychnis
M-N: Magpie to Nut-tree Tussock
O-P: Oak Beauty to Puss Moth
Q-R: Red Chestnut to Rustic Shoulder Knot
S-T: Sallow to Twin-spotted Wainscot
U-V: Uncertain to V-Pug
W-Z: Water Carpet to Yellow-tail