Monday, 27 August 2018

Heath Rustic at Dingestow - Macro #400

When I arrived at my MV at 05:30 (trapping at Dingestow 26th August) I found more than 150 wasps buzzing around the lamp and inside the trap. Although I get 10+ wasps most nights in autumn, I have never had such numbers, and briefly considered switching off the light and retreating to bed.  I'm glad I didn't!
Star among ca. 30 species was Dingestow's first Heath Rustic, which was presumably blown here from the Blorenge/Garnclochdy ridge on strong westerlies.  This was my 400th Dingestow Macro, and the 930th moth species here.  Supporting cast came in the form of a very late (2nd generation?) Green Silver-lines, a Lilac Beauty, a Pale Eggar and a Vine's Rustic.  Dingestow's first big dung beetle - Geotrupes spiniger - was also in the trap.  What a night! 



1 comment:

  1. Like your Heath Rustic Sam, very nice. I'll have to keep an eye on the Flame Shoulder's in future. An impressive number of macro's sighted there at Dingestow, well done.

    Luckily I have not had hardly any wasps although they appear quite numerous this year. The Hornets worry me and I've already seen a few which might not bode well for the next few months ahead.


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