Thursday, 23 August 2018

Drizzly August nights

Warm, drizzly conditions meant a return to large numbers of moths to MV at Dingestow following a couple of quieter weeks. Sorting through hoards of late summer's boring brown Noctuids (eg 180 Large YU, 80 Setaceous HC, 75 Heart & Dart & 35 Flame Shoulder on 20/8) produced several nice moths.  Highlights were Ash Pug (new for Dingestow), 2 Antler Moth (2nd Dingestow record) and 1 Treble-bar (6th Dingestow record) on 20th August, and 1 Chevron (3rd Dingestow record) on 22nd.

I made the mistake of bringing 1 Antler Moth back from Carmarthenshire to photograph on 19th August, and then released it in the garden on 20th.  The first Antler Moth I found in the trap the following morning was of identical size and (near) identical patterning, and I had to assume this was a re-trap of the imported moth; disappointing as I had only ever seen one Antler Moth at Dingestow before, in 2003.  I was therefore overjoyed to turn over another egg box to find a big female Antler Moth, which was definitely a wanderer rather than an import!

1 comment:

  1. I like the Chevron Sam, a moth I've not seen yet. I see its gets in a variety of habitats and is 'common'. It ain't common down here in the south as I would have turned one up by now. Looking at the maps it has a more north and westerly trait.


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