Saturday, 14 April 2018

White-marked at Dingestow at last

I caught my only Dingestow White-marked 16 years ago, in March 2002, so was thrilled to find one in the trap this morning.  I even thought it was new for the site, having forgotten the 2002 record.  Warm conditions produced 16 spp. at MV, including Frosted Green, 2 Satellite and Acleris literana.  One very grey Drab among the 14 varied Cloudeds had wing markings that were very reminiscent of Lead-coloured Drab, and its (tatty) wing tip looked rather rounded.  However, the antennae were not obviously feathered (and it's definitely a male) - they have paired cilia pointing in each direction - so I suspect it isn't Lead-coloured.  Any thoughts from other moth'ers would be welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I do like that White-marked Sam, would like to add that one to my collection, well done you.


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