Friday, 13 January 2017

December 2016 sightings

7th December
St. Pierre's Great Woods

A late night trapping session after work produced 26 moths of 4 species here at this site.
19 December Moth's turned up at the light show plus Feathered Thorn, November moth agg. and this 'little micro gem' pictured below.

Acleris schalleriana or Viburnum Button by its common name, has been rarely recorded so far in Vice County 35.
Sam Bosanquet reports it as a "great record" and informs me that this was just the 5th record he has in the data bank.
It is localised throughout the British Isles and feeds on Guedler-rose and Wayfaring-tree which incidentally Sam tells me are found in scattered locations in the Lower Wye Valley.

Acleris schalleriana (Viburnum Button)

1 comment:

  1. It also feeds on the evergreen garden species Viburnum tinus - we have a colony on the bush in our Cardiff garden. I sometimes see the moth on the house windows in the winter.


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