Thursday, 11 August 2016

6th August

Near Shirenewton

A threat of rain loomed this Saturday evening the 6th August at the chosen site.
It was expected to be patchy, fragmented into the early hours of the following morning.
There was warmish breeze blowing but I had hoped the direction and strength would not provide too much of a problem.
The rain never arrived apart from a few spots but the wind increased to such an extent due the exposure of the site that I had to abandon the trap just before 12 midnight due to equipment getting displaced.

The evening was still productive with 50 moths of 28 species.
Macro highlights were Clouded Magpie, Scorched Carpet, Buff Footman and Black Arches.
Two particular micro's I had never seen before however, stole the show.

Copper Ermel (Roeslerstammia erxlebella) and beautifully marked Gold-base Tubic (Oecophora bractella) dropped in despite the breezy conditions.
Sam Bosanquet described O. bracatella as 'stunning' and I have to agree the more I look at it the better it gets, a very striking, and eye-catching micro with a great colour choice of yellow, black and iridescent blue.
I must admit even the R. erxelebella catches the eye when in the correct light with its shiny copper exterior.

Roeslerstammia erxlebella
Oecophora bractella (above and below)

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