Thursday, 22 January 2015

Monmouthshire Moth & Butterfly Group on TV

On Monday 26th January, members of MM&BG will be featuring on Iolo Williams Great Welsh Parks on BBC One Wales at 7.30pm. We were asked to run a moth trap at Pontypool Park back last May to try to catch some May Bugs. Hopefully they will also show some of the moths we caught.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Kevin.
    I see they did indeed show a few moths. (Nice Lime-hawk)
    I do not know about you but I find 'May Bugs' a bit of a hinderance when moth trapping. I get quite a few here and often they are clumsy and cumbersome when they get in or near the trap.
    I'm quite glad when there season is over.
    Still, it is good to see them in a way as they were harshly persecuted at one time and are only just making a comeback.


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