Monday 2 September 2024


Roger James 1945 – 2024

Members of this group were greatly saddened to hear of the death of our Chairperson, Roger James, at the end of July. Our thoughts are with his wife Julia and two sons Jeff and Martin. As well as being Chair of this group, Roger was also Chair of the Newport City Council’s Local Biodiversity Partnership, President Emeritus of Gwent Wildlife Trust, Chair of the Wildlife in Newport Group (Wing) and a former Trustee of the South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre.

Roger was our Chair from the inception of the Monmouthshire Moth & Butterfly Group in 2000. He was instrumental in the setting up of the group. Roger took early retirement in 1998 and this allowed him to devote the majority of his time to the conservation and recording of wildlife. He recorded many moth Vice County firsts and his most notable was probably the small ranunculus in 1999. His pride in this was reflected in his email address, smallranunculus@......

Roger’s enthusiasm and knowledge was boundless and he always had time to share his expertise with others. I first met Roger in 1990, when I joined Wing – looking to gain experience in conservation. Roger’s help and guidance helped me gain admittance to a degree course in Environmental Biology at Swansea University. After graduation, he was my referee for every job that I applied for. I am sure there are many others who were also helped in their careers in conservation by Roger and knowledgeable amateurs and volunteers whose interest he nurtured. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Sunday 21 July 2024

 Weather looking very good fot Martin's Moth Night tonight! 

The forecast for Cwmcarn this evening is 15c up til Midnight, dry and calm. Pretty ideal for mothing. As well as lots of traps running, I'll be doing some sugaring. Details in post below. 

Monday 8 July 2024


Martin's Moth Night 2024

Sunday 21st July

Cwmcarn Forest Drive

8pm 'til midnight

Help us celebrate the birthday of our former County Lepidoptera Recorder, Dr Martin Anthoney. Run your own trap at home or anywhere in the county or come to Cwmcarn Forest Drive on 21st July. Martin trapped at Cwmcarn many times and some of the staff there still remember him fondly.
Hosted by Kevin Hewitt (County Recorder, macro moths and butterflies). Come at 8pm if you want to set up your own trap, otherwise come for 8.45pm.  Sunset is at 9.15pm. Please contact Kevin Hewitt if you would like to run a trap at Cwmcarn - 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

St Julian's, 18th June 2024

Sheila set up the Robinson MV trap and the next morning recorded just 15 species.  However, it included the 1st Privet Hawkmoth for the site. 

Saturday 24 February 2024

Monmouthshire Moth & Butterfly Group

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 27th March

Usk Royal British Legion

Old Market St, Usk NP15 1AL

Speaker: Rob Parry, Chief Executive Officer - Initiative for Nature Conservation Cymru (INCC):

"Marsh Fritillary Population Reinforcement".

Thursday 21 December 2023

Hebrew Character brings Seasons Greetings on Winter Solstice

I ran the trap at Redhouse Barns and Sheila ran the trap at St Julian's. This morning, there were 6 December moths at St Julian's, a mottled Umber, 5 Epi post and 2 silver-Y's. All but one of the moths were on the wall behind, not in the trap. At Redhouse there was nothing in the trap, but 3 December moths on the barn wall, 3m behind. I was putting away the trap when a moth caught my eye on the electrics box - a Hebrew character - a species not normally seen until March.

Monday 13 November 2023

 Got it! Streak--googled by my nephew. The posture depicted in Waring and Townsend caught me out. I should have taken more care in searching in Chris Manley's book.