Friday, 7 March 2025

Redhouse Barns, 6th March 2025

I ran the MV Robinson over-night. This morning I recorded just 4 species:
Common Quaker 5, Hebrew Character 2, Clouded Drab 2 and Acleris literana 1. In 30 years of moth'ing I have never seen the last species before, so was quite excited. Sterling & Parsons says it is common though.
Acleris literana

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Reminder: AGM tonight, Thursday 6th March, 7.30pm

Usk Royal British Legion

Old Market St, Usk NP15 1AL

Speaker: Liam Olds, Buglife Cymru

"The biodiversity of colliery spoil sites"

Also, the temperature is around 10c tonight with hardly any wind, so get your traps on!

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Monmouthshire Moth & Butterfly Group

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 6th March

Usk Royal British Legion

Old Market St, Usk NP15 1AL

Speaker: Liam Olds, Buglife Cymru

"The biodiversity of colliery spoil sites"

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Come and join us for some practical conservation to help our moths & butterflies

Wednesday 15th January & 12th February at Blackrock Quarry, nr Llanelly

Gwent Wildlife Trust are running a number of sessions at Blackrock Quarry, a site important for butterflies, to help combat the invasive cotoneaster. These sessions will be supported by Monmouthshire Moth and Butterfly Group and Butterfly Conservation Trust.

Location: Blackrock Quarry, Blackrock, Llanelly, Darrenfelen, Monmouthshire, NP7 0LL (SO217127, petulant.piled.butterfly). There is a layby near the site entrance for parking.

Timings: 10am-2pm on Wednesday 15th January and Wednesday 12th February

Task: Using hand tools to cut back cotoneaster.

For more details and to sign up, please send Kath a quick email at 

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Bonfire Night surprise

Redhouse Barns, 5th November 

I put out the Robinson MV in sight of a large Holm Oak, in the hope of catching a lot of Spiny Hook-tips. In the morning there was just one Spiny Hook-tip outside the trap which flew away straight away. There was one Radford's Flame Shoulder inside the trap. When I was putting the trap away, I noticed another on the cabling.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Redhouse Barns 29th October 2024 

I set up the Robinson MV and in the morning was excited to see a Spiny Hook-tip on the outside of the trap. I knew what it was as Kevin Hewitt had sent me  a photo of one caught in the north of the county by Wendy Tyler-Batt the day before! There were 3 more inside the trap, plus another on one of the baffles, making 5 in total. The foodplant is Holm Oak and there is a massive one only about 50m away. I also caught a Radford's Flame Shoulder, a 2nd VC record and again Kevin Hewitt had sent a photo of one the day before! The VC 1st had been trapped recently on the Blorenge by the Gloucestershire moth-er Jade Louise Gore. Also of interest was a Scarce Bordered-straw.

Spiny Hook-tip

Spiny Hook-tip

Radford's Flame Shoulder

Scare Bordered Straw

Monday, 2 September 2024


Roger James 1945 – 2024

Members of this group were greatly saddened to hear of the death of our Chairperson, Roger James, at the end of July. Our thoughts are with his wife Julia and two sons Jeff and Martin. As well as being Chair of this group, Roger was also Chair of the Newport City Council’s Local Biodiversity Partnership, President Emeritus of Gwent Wildlife Trust, Chair of the Wildlife in Newport Group (Wing) and a former Trustee of the South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre.

Roger was our Chair from the inception of the Monmouthshire Moth & Butterfly Group in 2000. He was instrumental in the setting up of the group. Roger took early retirement in 1998 and this allowed him to devote the majority of his time to the conservation and recording of wildlife. He recorded many moth Vice County firsts and his most notable was probably the small ranunculus in 1999. His pride in this was reflected in his email address, smallranunculus@......

Roger’s enthusiasm and knowledge was boundless and he always had time to share his expertise with others. I first met Roger in 1990, when I joined Wing – looking to gain experience in conservation. Roger’s help and guidance helped me gain admittance to a degree course in Environmental Biology at Swansea University. After graduation, he was my referee for every job that I applied for. I am sure there are many others who were also helped in their careers in conservation by Roger and knowledgeable amateurs and volunteers whose interest he nurtured. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.